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‘ARCHANGELS Work’ is a part of the ARCHANGELS movement and is changing the way employers and job seekers view this role that so many of us (43% of Americans currently) have shared, worrying about or caring for the health of a loved one. And let’s be clear, being an unpaid caregiver – an Archangel – is a job… and it should be represented in our work history in a way that gives this truly essential role the credibility and respect it deserves.
According to a report from the U.S. Department of Labor, 2,651,000 women left the workforce in May of 2020 – many to fill-in gaps in caregiving coverage related to COVID-19. We also know that 45% of unpaid caregivers are men. More specifically, 53% of employed caregivers in 2020 report having to take time off to provide care. That’s over 32 million people who will have to explain the gap in their work history. Even for those ARCHANGELS who stay employed, the roles and responsibilities we take on as caregivers should be something we are proud to reflect on our resumes and in our work history. In fact, we’ll take this a step further and say it should be viewed as an asset by employers looking to fill a position.
In 2015, unpaid caregivers provided over 471 billion dollars a year in uncompensated labor. That’s a pre-COVID number that’s five years old. This is an essential position that is a linchpin in our economy and healthcare system which both rely on caregivers to ‘show up to work’ every day. To be clear - caregivers don’t quit the workforce – we just get a different job doing ARCHANGELS Work.
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